Download Your Free Teacher Resources
For Transition To high school

Thanks for having the 'Get Set For High School' Workshop at your school.

We hope these extra resources help you and your students prepare for their important transition to high school. 

If I can be of any help, please feel free to contact me:

[email protected]  or

Ph: 0425 246 267

All the best, 

Jenny Atkinson

P.s. Have you seen our new 'High School Hub' for students? (Just scroll to the bottom to take a look.)

Fact Sheets For Parents

Parent Fact Sheet: How To Help Your Child Get Set For High School

Parent Fact Sheet:
Travel Safely To School

Activity Booklet - All Pages

Booklet - All Activity Pages

Activity Pages - Single Pages

Cover Page - Booklet

Workshop feedback from a Year 6 Student

A New Start

A Letter to My High School Self

Freeze Frame

Advice From High School Students

So You Want To Be A Millionaire - High School Edition

Word Search - High school Transition

Memories of Primary School

My Advice To Year 6

Calendar 2020 - By month - 13 pages

Copyrighted Materials

We hope you find these resources helpful.

Having booked a student workshop/parent talk, your school has a licence to use these resources with Year 6 classes during the year the workshop/talk was booked. 

As copyrighted materials, they may not be distributed, sold or shared with others. If you know a teacher who'd like to use these resources,  please ask them to reach out to us at:   [email protected] 

We love to help and appreciate it being done with fairness.

Have you seen our new membership site for Year 6 students?

It has all the best parts of our in-school student workshop, plus lots more tips, information and advice for being confident and prepared for high school.

And just like the workshop, it's designed to keep students engaged whilst they're learning.

Want to take a tour of the Hub? Just leave your details & we'll let you know when it's open.

Copyright © 2013 - 2024 Sparks Education Australia. All Rights Reserved. 


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You're almost there!

50% Complete

The student's fast-track to being confident & prepared for high school.

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You're almost there!

Your child's fast-track to being confident & prepared for high school.

50% Complete

We value your privacy & never share your information. 

You can unsubscribe at any time.
