Calm Connected Tweens and Teens

Online Parenting Summit

Calm Connected Tweens and Teens

22-24 Feb, 2024 |

Helping families reach cooperation, connection, and calm with their tweens and teens

Strong Relationships


Independence & Resilience

Welcome! Thank you for being a part of this parenting summit. We're grateful to have you as a speaker!

Here you’ll find resources and information to make life easier as a speaker.

If you have any questions, please email us at: [email protected]

Meet Your Summit Hosts

Jenny Atkinson

Jenny is the bestselling author of ‘High School Rocks’, a speaker, parent and dedicated teacher with over 30 years’ experience. As founder of Sparks Education Australia, she created the ‘Get Set For High School’ and ‘High School Hub’ Programs: a series of workshops, parent talks and online membership that have helped thousands of students, parents and teachers thrive in the challenging transition to high school.

See Jenny's work with schools, parents and students here:

Justine Lamont

Justine is a New Zealand speaker, parenting coach and parent of two young adults. With 18 years experience, and as the founder of Good To Great Parenting, she’s spreading the message to parents and teachers that being enough is good enough! Her upcoming parenting book helps parents to see themselves as the uniquely placed experts on their own children, and gives them the tools to advocate for their child at home, school and in life.

See Justine's work with schools and parents here:

How The Summit Will Work

Date:  22nd - 24th February, 2024 

We're committed to giving parents

Advice from high quality speakers - great content with no fluff!

A better understanding of their parenting and their child

Effective, practical strategies to resolve challenges they face

Clear actionable steps.
Here’s where you’re at – here’s a roadmap forward.

Over 3 days, we'll offer 15 expert presentations on the following topics

Strong Relationships


Independence & Resilience

The special mother/son relationship - mothering our boys - Maggie Dent

Helping our teens cope with change: a skill for life - Jenny Atkinson

Navigating tween friendships - Michelle Mitchell

Build a deeper connection with your teen to foster trust, belonging and manage challenging behaviours - Dayna Abraham

Parenting tweens and teens through big challenges - Dr Vanessa Lapointe

Alcohol and other drugs (AOD) 2024: What do parents need to know? - Paul Dillon

Helping tweens and teens with  school anxiety and school avoidance -  Kirrilie Smout

Supporting your teen's wellbeing in today's world -  Dr Claire Kelly

Emotional resilience for sensitive children - Kaz Parrot 

Understanding the teenage brain and creating resilience in our families- Andrew Fuller

Study Smart - Learning to Learn is a superpower. Practical tips for parents and teens - Karen Tui Boyes

No More Monkey Business: Raising Confident, Resilient Teens - Daniel Merza 

Helping teens be responsible and accountable - Justine Lamont

Keeping tweens & teens safe online - Brett Lee

Parenting our children with less guilt and comparison - Mandy Beverley

* These are the current topics to be covered in the Calm Connected Tweens and Teens Summit. Once speakers are onboard, we'll update this list to show the final talk names and speakers.

We will release 5 presentations on each day of the summit. Parents and caregivers will have the option to watch each day's presentations for free for 24 hours. If they wish, they may also purchase an All Access Pass to have ongoing access to extra resources and to watch the presentations. 

Pre-recorded Presentations

A 30 minute presentation to be pre-recorded at a time/date suitable to you in 6th Jan to 6th Feb, 2024. This will be an interview style where we ask you questions (you can pre-approve and suggest questions).

You'll find a booking button on this page for you to schedule a mutually convenient date/time to meet online and record your presentation. The same link is also in the Speaker Information Google form, too.

We can also do an optional planning session with you to plan your presentation content and interview questions.

Are there any live summit components?

All presentations are pre-recorded, but if you would like to you can participate in a live Q & A session to answer audience questions. Another option is to pre-record a Q&A with you answering audience questions related to your presentation topic.

If you're available, we'd love if you could pop in to the Summit Facebook group on the day your presentation airs. And you're welcome to check in any other time you like, as it’s a great chance to engage with the attendees, answer simple questions, and point them to additional resources you have.

Summit Promotion

We also call out your chosen point of contact (eg website/email/social media) at the end of the presentation and provide a link to your offer/website under your video presentation for attendees to click if they choose.

We’ll have a strong two weeks of promotion commencing 8th Feb. Once we have our full speaker line up, we'll add the swipe copies of emails, social media posts and graphics to the resource files section to make promotion simple and easy. 

Please promote at least once via email and once on social media to ensure everyone benefits, but anything beyond that is up to you, your goals with affiliate commissions, and how much you'd like to support the event.

During the promotion phase and as the summit is running, we’ll promote the All Access Pass. This includes full access to the presentation replays, summit notes and a resource which you may include related to your talk topic. This will provide immense value to our attendees and assists you to bring in affiliate commissions and grow your audience and reach. 

All Access Pass + Your Resource To Include

Please consider the resource option you might include in the summit All Access Pass (paid). Some examples are: a masterclass, checklists, 3 to 5 day challenge,  e-book,  parenting scripts, workshop, parenting templates, mini course, family planners.

(* This is an indication only at this stage. Final decision of resource contribution is due by 30th Jan.)

We'll provide a link to this resource on the Summit All Access Pass (paid) page. Attendees who purchase the All Access Pass may click the resource link, go to your website, and leave their name/email address for access to the nominated resource on your website. 

During the promotion phase and as the summit is running, we’ll promote the All Access Pass. The pass assists you to bring in affiliate commissions and grow your audience and reach.

What's in the All Access pass? 

Attendees who pay for this pass will get full access to the presentation replays, any bonuses we offer, the summit notes we create and a resource which you may include related to your talk topic. This will provide immense value to our attendees and assists them to continue their learning after the summit with additional information from our expert speakers. 

*Please note that attendees who buy the All Access Pass in this summit have paid for access to this resource  and so cannot be charged further costs to use the resource you offer. 

Meet the Summit Speakers

We'll add speakers here as they come on board and provide their speaker information.

You can see all of the other awesome speakers who will be sharing their expertise and advice alongside you in the summit.

Karen Tui Boyes

Karen Tui Boyes is a champion for Life Long Learning and is on a mission to transform education globally. Described as an educational alchemist, a conscious creator and a playful priestess, she turns research into practical strategies which positively impact teaching and learning. 
A multi-award-winning speaker, educator and businesswoman, Karen is an expert in effective teaching, learning, study skills, motivation and positive thinking. She is the CEO of Spectrum Education, Principal of Spectrum Online Academy and the author of 11 books. She loves empowering teachers, parents and students and is the wife to one and the mother of two young adults (who won’t leave home!) Karen was named the Global Evolutionary Woman of the Year 2022.

See Karen's work here:

Maggie Dent

Commonly known as the ‘queen of common sense’, Maggie Dent has become one of Australia's favourite parenting authors and educators. She has a particular interest in the early years, adolescence and resilience, and is an undisputed 'boy champion'.
Maggie is the author of nine major books, including the bestselling Mothering Our Boys and her 2020 release From Boys to Men. She hosts the Listnr podcast The Good Enough Dad and the award-winning ABC podcast, Parental As Anything and in 2021 released a book of the same name.
In 2022, Maggie released her first book about girls, Girlhood: Raising our little girls to be healthy, happy and heard. Maggie is a dedicated advocate to quietly changing lives in our families and communities. She is the mother of four sons and a very grateful grandmother.

See Maggie's work here:

Dayna Abraham

Dayna Abraham, bestselling author of Calm the Chaos: A Fail-Proof Roadmap for Parenting Even the Most Challenging Kids.
As a National Board Certified educator, parent of three neurodivergent children, and an ADHD adult herself, Dayna brings a unique and out-of-the-box perspective to parents raising kids in the modern world.
Through her compassionate framework, Calm the Chaos, she has helped millions of desperate parents around the world, find peace and meet their children where they're at when conventional parenting tools have failed them.
With a weekly reach of more than 1.2 million people on social media, and more than two hundred thousand parents attending her Calm the Chaos free workshop, she has become a proven and trusted leader in the parenting community.

See Dayna's work here:

Michelle Mitchell

Michelle Mitchell is an award-winning speaker, and bestselling parenting author. She has been termed ‘the teenage expert’ by the media and is sought after for her compassionate and grounded advice for parenting tweens and teens.
Michelle started her career as a teacher, but soon discovered a special interest in wellbeing. She left teaching in 2000 to found Youth Excel, a ‘boutique’ health promotion charity which delivered tailor made life skills programs and psychological services to thousands of young people and their families.
Today she uses her experience to write and speak in schools, community events and through media.

See Michelle's work here:

Dr Vanessa Lapointe

Dr. Vanessa Lapointe is a mom, parenting educator, best-selling author, international speaker, and a regularly invited media guest. She holds a doctoral degree in psychology, and practiced as a psychologist for nearly 20 years, before devoting her full-time energy to connecting with parents and other “big people” around the globe in 2023. Founder of The North Star Developmental Clinic, Dr. Vanessa has long been supporting families and children in her developmental clinic alongside her team, and has previous experience in community mental health and the school system. Dr. Vanessa is known for bringing a sense of nurturing understanding and humanity to all of her work. Her passion is in walking alongside parents, teachers, care providers, and other big people to really see the world through the child’s eyes. She believes that if we can do this, we are beautifully positioned to grow up our children in the best possible way.

See Vanessa's work here:

Andrew Fuller

Andrew Fuller is a clinical psychologist, family therapist, author, speaker and creator of Learning Strengths ™. He started working in psychiatric crisis teams with people who were at their last hopes and that inspired him to create with people, futures they can fall in love with. His work with over 4,000 schools and communities and with more than 500,000 young people has identified the concept of The Resilient Mindset and also the three main components of resilience- connect, protect and respect (CPR).
Andrew’s research on neuro-developmental differentiation takes the research on resilience and brain sciences back into the classroom where it can make the most difference. His many books include, 'Tricky Teens' and 'Unlocking Your Child's Genius'.

See Andrew's work here:

Kirrilie Smout

Kirrilie has worked as a psychologist for 25 years, predominantly with children, teens and families.  She is the director of Developing Minds Psychology and provides supervision to the team of child and adolescent psychologists who work with her there. She also provides seminars and training for young people, teachers, health professionals and schools around Australia (and has presented to over 50,000 families over the last two decades).  Kirrilie has received state and national awards, grants and prizes for her speaking, research and consultancy work, and for the work conducted by Developing Minds. She is regularly consulted by print, radio and TV media in relation to psychological issues and has numerous articles published in newspapers and journals. She has written three books about and for young people, and is the developer of the online program Calm Kid Central.

See Kirrilie's work here:

Brett Lee

Brett Lee, Founder of Internet Safe Education, is a leading former detective. His 20+ years of working and training in cyber crime helps parents, educators, and the general public to understand how to protect themselves and, most importantly, their children online. He’s worked on high-profile crimes for the Department of Homeland Security, FBI, and as a detective in the Australian Police Force.
Brett’s experience in cyber crime is unparalleled and has led him to be a sought-after speaker, media commentator and thought leader in Australia and internationally. He believes that by empowering the community with the right knowledge at the right time, every person can be safe online. Brett has spoken to over 1 million audience members. His engaging approach leaves audiences with a sense of safety and empowered to make the right choices at the right time.

See Brett's work here:

Mandy Beverley

Mandy Beverley defines a mindset relevant in today's world as one that is resilient, resourceful, and transformative. She is expert at helping others use life's events and surprises as momentum for continual growth and transformation. Specialising in human behaviour, she helps her clients create exponential shifts in their perceptions, decisions, and actions. Mandy started her career as a Registered Nurse, and for the last 13 years has been a Certified Demartini Method® Facilitator. She has seen how powerfully we can let past experiences influence our future relationships, and ability to move forward. Mandy’s work helps to shift minds and bridge the strategy and mindset gap of people and organisations through consults, workshops and speaking events. Mandy coaches mindset and personal development to a national businesswomen’s network focused on women's growth and potential in business. She’s also an author and host of the Remarkable Women Radio Podcast. Mandy is a mother to three daughters, and is a proud new grandmother.

See Mandy's work here:

Daniel Merza

Daniel’s inspires others to break free from self-doubt, overcome obstacles, and unleash their true potential. Through his book, 'Get the Monkeys Off Your Back' and his presentations to students, parents, educators and business/corporate professionals, Daniel empowers people to live a life of purpose, resilience, and limitless possibilities. Having worn the “underdog” cap growing up, Daniel’s story can be summed up in three words – “Defying the odds”. Bullied for a decade, diagnosed with a mental illness aged 13, and labelled as a student with “no hope”, Daniel faced up to his tormentors at 16 and turned his life around. He's featured on radio, in newspapers and media, and his work has been acknowledged in NSW parliament. In 2022, Daniel led Professional Speakers Australia (NSW Chapter) as President. He lives in Sydney with his wife and daughter – they are without a doubt his greatest achievement and a boundless source of joy.

See Daniel's work here:

Kaz Parrott

Kaz is Mama to two sweethearts, a passionate teacher and children’s wellbeing advocate.  She understands and supports sensitive kids with the gentle guidance they need to feel happy, calm & confident to be who they are.  She believes children possesses an innate potential to shine and when their one-of-a-kind uniqueness is encouraged, they become the best version of themselves and feel proud to be their true self. Kaz teaches skills & strategies to nurture a child’s emotional well-being, so they blossom into confident, compassionate humans who make your family unit – and the world around them – a happier, brighter place.. Having a sensitive child is a special privilege, but it can be hard to navigate when it comes to parenting. Kaz is the sensitive child's cheerleader and a valued support person for their parents.

See Kaz's work here:

Paul Dillon

Paul Dillon has been working in the area of drug education for almost 30 years. Through his own business, Drug and Alcohol Research and Training Australia (DARTA) he has been contracted by many organisations to provide updates on current drug trends, as well as advice on alcohol and other drug issues. He continues to work with many school communities across the country to ensure they have access to quality information and best practice drug education.
In 2009 his best-selling book 'Teenagers, Alcohol and Drugs' was published and this has since been released internationally. Paul writes a blog for parents and caregivers, as well as another for young people, and both of these have recently been released in a podcast format.

See Paul's work here:

Dr Claire Kelly

Dr Claire Kelly is Director of International Programs at Mental Health First Aid Australia. Claire has been involved as a doctor, researcher and program developer at Mental Health First Aid Australia. She speaks regularly on mental health issues in the media and has many years of service in the work, supporting our young adults in a variety of ways to support their wellbeing. Claire has produced a PhD thesis, which was written all about mental health literacy of Australian adolescents. Her passion is about mental health problems and how this can impact development, educational outcomes, and long-term functioning of our young people. 

See Claire's work here:

What we'll Need From You

Here  are a few things we'll need from you so we can tell everyone how amazing you are. It also helps us finalise the Registration page, create social media graphics and show you off on our Speakers' page.

Basic Information

To help us finalise materials for the summit, please use this link to fill in your basic information for the summit and book your recording slot on the calendar. 

GOOGLE FORM LINK:  https://forms.gle/DJtVv3uDpALaLTiD9

If you have any issues submitting the form, please email us the information listed below.

Q1. Name you would like us to use when introducing you: First and Last Name

Q2. Your website link

Q3. Best email address for us to contact you

Q4. Best email address for attendees to contact you (if you would like us to share)

Q5.   Brief bio (up to 5 sentences)

Q6. Talk name + brief outline of talk (you can adjust this if need be up until 3 days prior to recording day)

Q7.  Possible questions you would like us to ask in the interview. This will help to guide the conversation/interview and highlight your important points. (At least 3 questions)

Q8.  Book your recording time slot here using this link: https://tidycal.com/sparkseducation/recording-slot
Note: These times best suit Australian and New Zealand speakers. Overseas speakers please email us if you would like to book a time more suitable to your time zone.

Q9. What resource option might you include in the All Access Pass? We will provide a link to this resource on the Summit All Access Pass (paid) page. Attendees will click the link, go to your website, and leave their name/email address for access to the resource on your website. * This is an indication only at this stage. Final decision is due by 30th Jan.

Q10.  Would you be open to contributing one of your books to include in our giveaways for our super action taker attendees? (Totally optional and much appreciated!)

Q11.  Upload your headshot. You'll need to be signed in to your google account to upload an image to the form. If you have any issues with this, simply email your headshot to us at: [email protected]

Speaker Agreement

Once you let us know you’re in, we’ll  email you a speaker agreement. Please read and if you agree, reply by email with a comment stating that you agree to the speaker agreement. We will retain this email with the date, constituting your acceptance. 

Please let us know if you have any questions about it. The speaker agreement is due as soon as possible or by 13th Dec at latest.

Presentation Content

This will be an interview style presentation

We'd like you to suggest 3 to 5 questions and we’ll use those questions to guide you through your 30 min presentation. Slides/powerpoint are not necessary. Our speakers are experienced, so for most it will involve preparing some dot points for each question and speaking to those.

Some suggestions if you wish to include them:

1.   We will introduce you using your supplied brief bio (5 sentences or less)
2.  Topic overview
3.  Where people go wrong and tend to create more conflict, challenge and/or stress
5.  Challenges in your topic area and specific action steps to give a transformation
6.  Up to a 2-minute share of where attendees can find you for further contact/information - such as website, social media, email, your book, mention of your 'All Access Pass' resource and how it can help parents.

Format: We're not looking for perfect, but would like a friendly and informative interview style presentation. We want our attendees to learn something valuable and provide a transformation for them. Whilst theory is helpful, we'd also love a focus on specific action steps parents can take, moving them closer to having a strong relationship with their calm, connected tweens and teens.

Questions: We will ask you relevant questions to guide the conversation/interview and highlight your important points. You can suggest and pre-approve questions up until 3 days prior to the recording date. (You can suggest at least 3 questions on the speaker information form.)

Recording The Presentation:  We will video record your presentation when you meet online with us at a mutually agreed upon date and time. Click on the calendar button below to book your presentation recording slot.

3rd party Logos: Please do not wear or display any third party logos to avoid problems with intellectual property rights of those third parties. If you do, we may not be able to include your presentation. You may wear and/or display your own logos when recording the presentation if you wish. 

Summit Notes: We will create summit notes based on key points in your presentation and include them in the 'All Access Pass'. 

Can You Use Your Own Presentation After The Summit?   Yes! We will send you a link to download a copy of your presentation 7 days after the summit ends. From then you are free to use your presentation however you’d like. We do ask you to credit the summit when you display the presentation in part or full.

Book Your Presentation Recording Slot 

Follow this link to go to the booking calendar and choose a date/time to meet with us online to record your presentation. 


*  We've allowed an hour for the session (just in case!) but your recording is for 30 minutes.
*  After you book a time slot, you'll receive a confirmation email and a reminder email the day before.
*  Prior to your chosen date, we'll email you details and a link for where we'll meet online to record the presentation.

Important note for time zone differences:
Available times are booked in (+11:00 AEDT Sydney) time zone. These times best suit Australia and New Zealand - 'cause that's where we live!
If you're on the other side of the world, we don't expect you to record at some crazy 'middle of the night' time slots that may come up when you select your own time zone. Just email us with your time zone/dates/times you'd prefer so we can work out a more suitable time to record.

Affiliate Details

Speakers are not paid a speaking fee, but we’ve set up an affiliate program where you'll receive a commission from sales you refer to the summit. 

If you'd prefer not to participate in the affiliate program, that's fine, too - just let us know.

You will get your own individual affiliate links to share with your audience to promote the summit. 

*As with all affiliate promotions, be sure to disclose that you’re an affiliate when sharing with your audience. 

And please be mindful of keeping a balance between promoting the summit and our chief aim of helping our audiences.*

Affiliate Link Details

If you'd like to be an affiliate, we’ll ask you to create an account with our affiliate program. You will have your own affiliate links which you can share with your audience to promote the summit. We will send reminders for when to use the links and can help you with any questions you have.

We're willing to do a podcast interview, write a guest newsletter/blog post, or do a live in your Facebook group (all with your affiliate link) to help you get some extra conversions/audience reach.

You will get 50% of the sale proceeds of each All Access Pass sold using your affiliate link (net of any sales taxes, payment processing and shopping cart fees we have to pay in relation to such sales.) Your affiliate links will operate from the date you submit your presentation until at least 7 days following the summit.

* All sales using affiliate links are tracked in the affiliate program and are paid within 30 days of the summit end - by 25th March, 2024.

The pricing structure for the All Access Pass will be:

$47 (until midnight AEST 25th Feb)     $77 (from 26th Feb) 

Affiliate Links:

You'll be given a link to match the timing of the All Access Pass pricing:

1. 'Early bird' pricing. (Starts on the day you complete your presentation and ends at midnight (AEST) on 25th Feb, 2024 - the last day of the summit free viewing)

2. Regular pricing for the All Access Pass. $77.  (From 26th Feb, 2024 until 3rd March, 2024 - your affiliate link ends 7 days after the summit)

Resource Vault

We will create the resources and add them here once we have our speaker lineup and your speaker information.

When it's time to promote, you'll have all you need as we want this to be an easy and rewarding experience for you. This includes email swipe copy, social media swipe copy, social media graphics and summit branding.

Email swipe copy and suggested send dates

Social media swipe copy and suggested posting dates

Social media graphics - to share

Calm Connected Summit - Tweens & Teens (co-hosts)

Summit branding  (in case you'd like to show off that you've been featured as a speaker)

Summit Branding - square

Summit Branding - square with dates

Summit Branding -  round

Summit Branding -  round with dates

If you would like different sizes or formats for the images, or have any other questions, please  email: [email protected]

Action Steps

Let us know you're in by 10th Dec, 2023

Once we know you'll be a speaker, we can add you to our speaker page. 

And you can book your Presentation Recording Slot. 

Provide Speaker Information

Click this link to share your speaker information on the Google form - such as bio, headshot, talk outline, website link.


Affiliate links

Once you're in, we'll invite you to create an account in our affiliate program. 

You'll get custom links to share with your audience and receive commission on sales if they purchase an All Access Pass. 

Grab your speaker checklist

Once we have our speaker line up, we'll link a speaker checklist here with tasks and dates.

Coming Soon: speakerchecklistlink

Click the button below to download a list of important due dates and a checklist with links to help you keep track of tasks.

Let us know you're in by 10th Dec, 2023

Once we know you'll be a speaker, we can add you to our speaker page!

Provide basic information

Simply reply to our information request email including the requested  items ...  such as bio, headshot, website link.

Affiliate links

Once we know you'll be a speaker, we'll provide you custom links to share with your audience. Every time someone signs up with one of your links, you receive a 50% commission.

Grab your speaker checklist

Once we have our speaker line up, we'll link a speaker checklist here. Mark those dates on your calendar!

Coming Soon: speakerchecklistlink

Important Dates

Here’s a roundup of our key summit dates 

Mark the dates on your calendar. We'll also send you reminders when each date gets close.

Accept speaker invitation: As soon as possible (by 18th Dec)
Speaker agreement: As soon as possible (by 18th Dec)
Speaker information: As soon as possible (by 6th Jan)
Presentation slot scheduled: As soon as possible (by 6th Jan)
Online meeting to record presentation: 6th Jan to 6th Feb
All Access Pass resource contribution: by 30th Jan
Promotion period: 8th to 25th Feb
Summit dates: 22nd to 24th Feb
Free presentation viewing day ends: 25th Feb
All Access Pass cart closes: 3rd Mar
Affiliate payouts: 25th Mar
Attendee Facebook group closes: 26th Mar

22-24 Feb, 2024 | Online


Calm Connected Tweens and Teens

When parents are up against tricky situations with their teens, we'll give them help to navigate the troubled waters in a calm, considered way. 

When they just don't know how to respond or what to say or do, we'll be here for them with all the specialist parenting wisdom in one place. 

Our mission is to support families to build strong relationships with their teens, and show them practical ways to build their teen's independence, resilience and wellbeing.  

We're so glad you'll be a speaker at our summit! Together we can equip parents to empower their tweens and teens for their first steps towards adulthood. 

All material is provided for informational or educational purposes only and does not constitute professional advice. For advice and support specific to your needs, please consult a professional.

Proudly brought to you by

© Sparks Education Australia   &   © Good To Great Parenting 

2023. All Rights Reserved

Exibitor Application

Remaining spaces ARE LIMITED apply today.

Vivamus sagittis lacus vel augue laoreet rutrum faucibus dolor auctor. Nullam quis risus eget urna mollis ornare vel eu leo. 
